Do you ever feel like you’re spending too much time staring at your screen? Have you been wanting to keep track of your screen time, but you don’t know how? Worry no more! With Android 8.0, you can easily check your screen time with just a few clicks. Read on to find out how. Are you worried about how much time you spend with your screen? Technology has become an integral part of our lives, yet it also has its drawbacks if we use it too much. To help you monitor your screen time habits more effectively and easily, Android 8.0 has added a new feature to check the amount of time you spend on your phone. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process to access and set limits on your phone’s usage.

For those who care about keeping their screen time reasonable, Android 8.0 provides the perfect solution. This feature gives you an easy way to monitor your usage and make sure you’re not spending too much time on your phone. With a few easy steps, you can set limits and track your progress, helping you to stay within a reasonable range.

To check your screen time through Android 8.0, you’ll first need to open your phone’s settings. From there, select the “Digital Wellbeing” option, which will give you access to the features of this new feature. Once you’re inside the Digital Wellbeing menu, you’ll be able to view your total usage time, set time limits on individual apps, and even get a “wind down” reminder when you’ve reached your limit.

The Digital Wellbeing feature of Android 8.0 provides a great way to easily check your screen time and set limits on your usage. If you’re looking for a way to make sure your phone doesn’t take over your life, this is the perfect way to start. With this feature, you can finally achieve the perfect balance between your phone and other aspects of your life.


Android 8.0 has introduced a new feature for those wanting to track their screen time easily and efficiently. It is a great tool for those who want to stay mindful of their digital activities and take charge of their own well-being. This step-by-step guide will explain how use the new feature and start keeping track of your screen time.

Firstly, open the settings menu on your device and head to Digital Wellbeing & Parenting. This section of settings contains all of the features related to tracking and limiting time spent on your Android devices.

Once you’re in the Digital Wellbeing & Parenting section, select the Dashboard tab. This tab will now show you detailed stats on your usage time, the number of notifications and app count. Additionally, you can also view an overview of the last seven days of usage and set time limits for specific apps.

For an in-depth analysis of your screen time, go to the Wind Down tab and click on the Screen Time page. Here, you can view the frequency and duration of the individual apps you use, as well as the amount of time you spend using each one.

Finally, the Do Not Disturb tab allows you to manage when you receive notifications from each app. This section is useful for those who want to set and maintain healthier device habits. With these simple steps, you can now check your screen time on Android 8.0 easily and efficiently.

1. Installing Digital Wellbeing App

Checking your Android 8 device’s screen time is easy. All you need is your device’s Settings app. To get started, open the Settings app and navigate to ‘Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls’. From here, you will be able to view your device’s daily and hourly device usage as well as any apps you have set screen time limits for. You can also set up usage limits for yourself and view each app’s usage. Finally, you can choose to reset all of your daily screen time limits. With these steps, you can easily check your screen time on Android 8.

2. Activating & Accessing Digital Wellbeing App

With the introduction of Android 8, parents have been afforded a better way to monitor and control their child’s screen time usage. Checking the amount of screen time on an Android 8 device is easy. Here is a quick guide on how to check screen time on Android 8.

First, make sure your device has the latest version of Android 8 installed. Then, open the Settings app on your Android 8 device and select Digital Wellbeing. In the Digital Wellbeing menu, select Dashboard. This page will display your device’s usage stats in real-time, including the total time the device was used and the average time spent on each app.

If you’re looking for a more detailed view of your device’s usage activity, select the App Timers option from the Digital Wellbeing menu. Here, you can set daily limits for each app on your device. When you reach the daily limit, the app will be blocked and you won’t be able to use it until the next day.

Using these tools, you can easily keep an eye on your child’s time spent on their device and help them develop a healthier relationship with technology. By establishing healthy habits for screen time use, you can ensure your child is making the most of their time online.

I. Introduction

Android 8.0 has made it easier than ever to check your screen time with its Digital Wellbeing feature. This step-by-step guide will show you how to access the feature and what you can do with it. First, open the Digital Wellbeing page in your settings. From there, you can check for a detailed breakdown of your average daily screen time or an overall look at your phone’s usage habits. You can also set a daily time limit and set certain apps to be blocked from your phone when you’ve reached the time limit. In addition, you can also apply time limits to certain websites, which can be very helpful if you’re trying to limit your online browsing. Finally, you can also set reminders and bedtime rules, so you’re reminded to take a break from your phone when you need to. Android 8.0’s Digital Wellbeing feature has all the tools you’ll need to manage your screen time in a smart and effective way.

I. Introduction

Checking the amount of time you spend on your Android device can be daunting. With Android 8, it is now easier than ever to keep track of your screen time and to limit it. This tutorial will guide you through how to enable the Screen Time feature on Android 8 and how to use it to monitor your device usage.

To get started, simply open your Settings app and tap Digital Wellbeing & Parental controls. Here, you will see an option to “Manage your screen time.” Tap this, and you will be able to customize how much time you will be able to spend on your device each day.

Once you have set your daily limit, Screen Time will start keeping track of your daily app usage. You can view your total time spent on all your apps in the Digital Wellbeing dashboard. Here, you can also see statistics, such as how often you unlock your device, how many times you open an app, and how many notifications you receive.

Finally, Screen Time allows you to set “Wind Down” times to help you disconnect from your device for the evening. You can set a time frame in which notifications will be muted, the night light will be enabled, and your device will be switched into Do Not Disturb Mode. This will help you relax and get to sleep without being disturbed by your device.

1. Checking Screen Time

Android 8 is an incredibly powerful operating system that is used by millions of people around the world. Checking your screen time on an Android 8 device is essential for monitoring how much time you’re spending on your device, as well as keeping an eye on how much time your children are spending on their devices. This tutorial will guide you through the steps of checking your screen time on an Android 8 device.

Firstly, you need to go to the Settings app of your device. Scroll down and tap on Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls. Here you can see a pie chart which will display how much time you have spent on your device, both in the last day and the last week. It will also show how much time you have spent on each of your installed apps.

Secondly, you will need to tap on the ‘Set up Screen Time’ option. You will be presented with a menu of options, including setting up a time limit for individual apps, controlling app permissions, and creating a daily limit of screen time. You can also create a profile for each family member.

Thirdly, you will need to adjust the app time limit. To do this, tap on the ‘Time limit’ option in the menu. Here, you can set a limit for each app you have installed, as well as a daily limit on your overall usage. This way, you can ensure that you don’t spend too much time on your device.

Finally, you will need to activate your Screen Time limits. To do this, tap on ‘Activate’ in the top right corner of the screen. Once activated, you will be able to monitor your screen time and view the usage statistics of your device. With these steps, you can now check your screen time on an Android 8 device.

2. Limiting Screen Time

Keeping track of your daily screen time is an important part of managing your social media activities. Android 8 makes it easier than ever to keep track of your screen time on your Android device. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to check your screen time on Android 8. To start, open the Settings app and head over to Digital Wellbeing & parental controls. Here you will find a dashboard that shows you how much time you have spent on each app and how many times you have unlocked your phone. You can also set a daily limit to control your access to apps. Once the limit is reached, the app will be grayed out and you won’t be able to access it. Additionally, you can set time limits for specific apps and turn on Wind Down mode, which will turn your screen to grayscale and silence notifications when it’s time to relax. With these tools, you’ll be able to stay in control of your screen time on your Android 8 device.

II. How to Check Screen Time on Android 8.0

Android 8.0 provides you with an easy and helpful way to check your screen time. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do it:

First, open the main Settings menu. Then, tap on Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls. After that, you will find the Dashboard which will display information about your device’s usage. This includes a daily limit for screen time, as well as time spent on each app.

By tapping on the App Timer on the dashboard, you can set usage limits for each app. Once the time limit is reached, the app will stop working. You can also choose to take a break by tapping on the Wind Down option.

For further control, you can turn on Wind Down mode. This will turn on Do Not Disturb and Night Light, and turn the display to grey scale. Through this mode, you can relax and spend some time away from your device.

Android 8.0 offers you a convenient way to monitor and check your screen time. With its easy-to-use features, you can set limits and take breaks from your device whenever you need it.

1. Understand Android 8.0’s Screen Time Monitoring

Screen time is an important metric to help you understand how much time you spend on your phone. For Android 8.0 users, there is a feature that can be used to track your screen time. Here’s how to check it:

Go to the Settings on your Android 8.0 phone and select Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls. This will take you to the Overview page where you can access all the features related to the Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls. Here, you will find the option to check your screen time.

Click on the option that says Your Digital Wellbeing to get an overview of your Screen Time metrics. You can find the total time spent on the phone and your most used apps and websites. It also shows you how many times you unlocked your device.

To get a more accurate representation, click on the option that says Set a Daily Timer. Here, you can set a daily timer to limit your screen time by setting a limit for each day. This will help you stay within your daily screen time allowance.

By using the Screen Time feature in Android 8.0, you can easily track your phone usage and set reasonable limits. Whether you want to make sure you don’t spend too much time on your phone or you just want to keep your phone usage under control, this feature can make it easy to do either one.

2. Access Screen Time Settings on Android 8.0

Do you want to find out how much time you have spent on your Android 8.0 device? Checking your device’s screen time is a great way to keep track of how much time you are spending on your device. Here are some easy steps to follow to check your screen time.

First, open the Settings menu and select Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls. Then choose Dashboard from the options. You will find an overview of the time you have spent on your device and the apps you use most.

If you want to see a breakdown of your activity over the course of the day, select Wind Down from the menu. This will let you view the time spent on each app over a 24-hour period. You can also set up daily limits for certain apps to keep track of your usage.

If you want to check your activity for the past week, select App Timers from the menu. This will show you a detailed timeline of your activity and allow you to set time limits for apps. You will also find insights and advice on how to manage your time better.

Lastly, if you want to check your screen time for the past month, select Usage Access from the menu. This will show you a detailed overview of your activity, allowing you to make adjustments as necessary. You can also set up reminders so you don’t go over your daily limits.

- Enabling screen time tracking

Screen time tracking is one of the essential features of smartphones. With the arrival of Android 8.0, users can enable the feature with just few clicks. To enable the screen time tracking on your Android 8.0 smartphone, first, you have to go to the ‘Settings and Security’ option from the main menu. Then select the ‘Screen Time Limit’ button located on the page. This will display the options to choose the type of limit you want to activate. You can choose between a daily limit or a ‘bed time’ limit. After selecting your desired option, you will be able to manage your settings and customize it with the offered options. Finally, you can save the settings and continue to use your device. Enabling this feature in Android 8.0 is an easy and straightforward process. With this feature, now you can track your screen time easily and take the necessary steps to reduce it.

1. Understanding Screen Time Tracking

Enabling Screen Time Tracking on Android 8 is a great way to monitor and limit the amount of time your child spends on their smartphone or tablet. Setting limits on when and how long your child can use their device can help keep them from being over-exposed to inappropriate content or becoming addicted to their device. This article will explain how to check screen time on Android 8.

The first step is to open the Settings app on your phone. From there, select Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls and then select the time limits you want to set. You can set up daily time limits, bedtime schedules, and lock settings from here. Once you have chosen your settings, press the Save button to confirm the changes.

The next step is to open the Google Play Store and download and install the Screen Time app. This app can track your child’s usage and give you insights into their device habits. It includes features such as setting a daily limit, blocking apps, and setting up usage restrictions. Once installed, open the app and sign in using your Google account.

Once you have created your account, you will be taken to the main menu where you can set your daily limit and other controls. You can also track your child’s usage on a weekly basis or check what apps they use during a certain time. The app also has a “bedtime” feature that will lock your child’s device when a certain time is reached.

Enabling Screen Time Tracking on Android 8 is a great way to monitor and limit the amount of time your child spends on their device. By setting up limits, blocking apps, and tracking usage patterns, you can ensure that your child is using their device responsibly. With the Screen Time app, you can easily make sure that your child is using their device appropriately.

2. Enabling Screen Time Tracking

Screen time tracking is an essential element of modern life. It allows us to monitor our own device usage and identify when we’re spending too much time on our devices. With Android 8, enabling this feature is now easier than ever.

To enable screen time tracking on Android 8, simply open Settings and select Digital Wellbeing. Here, you’ll find an option called ‘Set a Screen Time Limit’, which will allow you to set daily limits for yourself.

Once you’ve set a limit, you can also see detailed usage stats for that day. This includes a breakdown of how much time you’ve spent on each app, as well as your total usage for the day. You can also use this to set a time limit on specific apps that you think you’re spending too much time on.

Finally, you can also set up parental controls on your device, which will allow you to create rules and restrictions to limit the amount of time your children are spending on their devices. These rules will be applied automatically, helping you keep track of your family’s usage and ensure that they’re not spending too much time online.

- Accessing the dashboard

Android 8.0 has a feature that allows you to easily check your screen time and set limits on the apps you use. To use this feature, you need to access your phone dashboard. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you access the dashboard:

  1. Go to the home screen of your Android 8.0 device and tap on Settings.
  2. From the list, select Digital Wellbeing & parental controls and tap Dashboard to open the dashboard page.
  3. You will now see a graph of your screen time over the past seven days. This will show you how much time you spent on each app.
  4. To set limits on certain apps, tap the Overview tab and select the app you want to limit. Tap Set limit and slide the bar to set the limit.

1. Access Android 8 Dashboard

Accessing your dashboard on an Android 8 device is an easy way to check your screen time. To access the dashboard, first go to your device’s Settings, and then tap on the Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls section. After that, select the Dashboard tab. You will find all the data related to your screen time. From here, you can set your screen time limit and monitor your activity. Additionally, you can view the amount of time spent on each individual app or view the breakdown of the time spent on different activities. With this feature, you can be aware of how much time is spent on your device and take necessary steps to prevent it from overusing it.

2. Check Screen Time on Dashboard

Accessing the dashboard on an Android 8 device is a simple process. To get started, open the Settings app and tap on Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls. From there, select Dashboard and a basic overview with your total screen time will be visible. You can also find additional details by tapping on the specific apps you’d like to monitor and seeing how much time you’ve spent with them. It’s a great way to get an idea of what apps are taking up your day. Additionally, you can set timers to limit the usage of any given app and receive notifications when those timeframes have expired. With this information in hand, you’ll be able to better adjust your digital diet and make more informed decisions around your phone’s usage.

Q1: What is Android 8.0? A1: Android 8.0 is an operating system developed by Google for use on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It is based on the Linux kernel and is designed primarily to run on ARM-based devices. It was first released in August 2018.

Q2: How can I easily check my screen time with Android 8.0? A2: With Android 8.0, checking your screen time is made easy. You can access a Digital Wellbeing dashboard in the settings menu to view detailed information about how much time you have spent on apps, how many times you have unlocked your device, and how many notifications you have received. It also includes an app timer, which allows you to set limits for certain apps.

Q3: What other features come with Android 8.0? A3: In addition to the Digital Wellbeing dashboard, Android 8.0 also includes a number of other features for users. It has improved battery life and performance, a redesigned navigation bar, adaptive icons, and improved text selection. It also includes a picture-in-picture mode for playing videos.

Q4: What devices currently support Android 8.0? A4: Android 8.0 is currently supported by a wide range of devices. Some of the most popular devices to support it include the Samsung Galaxy S9, the Huawei P20 Pro, the Google Pixel 2, and the OnePlus 6T.

Q5: Is there anything else I should know about Android 8.0? A5: Android 8.0 also comes with a variety of security and privacy enhancements. It includes features such as Google Play Protect, which helps keep your device and data safe, and the Safe Browsing feature, which protects you from malicious websites.